“Brain Wave superfood mushroom gummies were prototyped, and I found them delicious, experiential, and effective. That's a green light...“

The reasons for starting Brain Wave were many. I was horribly bored with the work I was doing. As a result, I was stressed, and unhappy. Medicinal mushrooms were something that helped me deal with that stress. I decided I wanted to create a product that would fulfill and support my ideal lifestyle of healthy living, traveling, surfing, and working on things that were important to me.

I knew the product needed to be of the highest quality, and I knew I wanted everything grown and made in the USA. When I found my amazing production and sourcing partners I took it as a sign that it was meant to be. Brain Wave superfood mushroom gummies were prototyped, and I found them delicious, experiential, and effective. That's a green light…

The move to create Brain Wave was more than a business decision—it was a heartfelt return to the value of local manufacturing and the essence of genuine, quality products. Brain Wave is about stepping into a place of purpose.

For us, these functional mushroom gummies are more than just a product; they are a daily companion that support us as we work to build our strength, foster mental clarity, and move through our own journeys. We invite you to embrace this natural ally in your quest for health and harmony. Our promise to you is that you can rest assured that what you’re putting in your body is of the utmost quality. Our signature Daily Fusion Mushroom Blend is the culmination of meticulous research, conscious sourcing, and collaboration with leading scientific minds.

Lastly, Brain Wave represents a connection to the earth, a commitment to well balanced health, and to trusting yourself in uncertain times. We look to nature to teach us. We believe in trusting your gut. We value independence, and encourage defining success for yourself. We hope our mushrooms help you see your life with perfect clarity. We thank for being here.

Very Sincerely,

Chris J & The Brain Wave Team