An Extraordinary Product

We’re not interested in making noise, we’re interested in making an impact. The best way to do that is focus. We chose to start this company with one product. We were encouraged to launch an entire line of products, but we chose to focus our energy on one, and do it the best.

Single source mushrooms. From an organic regenerative farm.

The Source

It all starts at one single, regenerative, fully certified organic farm in the USA. Every single mushroom in our gummies come from one place. It may not sound like much, but it means a lot; especially when you take into account the amazing, proprietary mushroom growing techniques being practiced.

While most other brands are sourcing their mushrooms from multiple locations (both inside and outside of the country), our quality assurance and product control processes stand alone. That feels really good, but lets get into the real stuff.

The best mushroom supplements

The Superfood

We use a proprietary solid-state fermentation and cultivation process that was developed over 20 years ago in Japan. The really exciting thing about our process is the use of superfoods (most notably, Peruvian purple corn) and other high nutrient ingredients like quinoa, chia, canuhua, cumin and flax seed.

Mushrooms for your brain

The Blend

The substrate (our nutrient packed blend the mushrooms grow on) is cultivated prior to inoculating the mushroom mycelium. This process includes germinating the seed blend, thereby priming nutrient absorption for the mushroom culture. The seed blend is sprouted in alkaline redox enhanced water over the course of some weeks. From there the substrate is treated with heat and pressure activation. Finally, the cooling process takes place for multiple days as we prepare for mushroom mycelium inoculation!

Nootropic brain mushrooms

The Process

In tandem with the substrate optimization process, the mushroom incubation and germination process begins in a separate area. From there it is time to inoculate (or combine) the beautiful and nutrient dense substrate with our mushroom mycelium culture. The mushroom mycelium cultivation includes processes that utilize specially enhanced water, sound transmissions, and particularly colored light. “Well,” you might say, “that’s a lot of highly technical processes just to grow some fungus,” and you’d be right. But therein lies the beauty and advantage of Brain Wave Mushrooms. The work, the process, the care, and the attention to detail all play into an outstanding final product.

mushrooms for stress. mushrooms for focus

The Harvest

We use a proprietary method to best preserve our fragile biomass as we harvest and dry them. Our method utilizes optimal temperatures and airflow that prevents polysaccharide burning. Polysaccharide burning can occur when over drying or high drying temperatures are used. This can happen in facilities that are in a rush to get product out the door, or with poor quality assurance.

The Advantages

mushrooms for anxiety
  • By growing on a combination of seeds, herbs, and superfoods our mushrooms contain dramatically improved medicinal and nutrional value compared with mushrooms grown on standard substrates

  • We preserve a larger amount of naturally occurring polysaccharides and micronutrients

  • We preserve and retain more fragile bioactive constituents within the mushrooms due to our proprietary drying process

  • Low energy expenditure and low amounts of wastewater

  • Low microbial contamination risk

  • Closely resembles a natural habitat due to the combination of natural and diverse substrates combined with drying process - resulting in a natural nutritional activity profile

  • Natural expression of micronutrients, especially when compared with other mushrooms that grow on inert to low nutritive substrates like rice or sawdust